Neighbor2Neighbor with North Lawndale

This eight episode virtual tour of the North Lawndale neighborhood will break stereotypes that have racially and economically divided Chicagoans for decades. Join us to see how the two communities work at sharing in a mutual awareness and appreciation of our common humanity - true hallmarks of kinship. This Zoom Webinar experience is sponsored by Old St. Patrick’s on first Wednesdays (except Jun - Aug) at 6:30pm.



Wed, 2/3/21 - Communities Connected In Kinship

Origins and overview of the North Lawndale Initiative mission and brief preview of the next 7 episodes of Neighbor2Neighbor with North Lawndale.

Wed, 3/3/21 - Opportunities for Life-Changing Reparations

Laying out 2021 reparations priorities for the North Lawndale Kinship Initaitive. Topics will include:(a.)opportunities for North Lawndale job seekers facing severe barriers to employment through OSP’s North Lawndale Works Campaign, and (b.) community based youth sports and recreation programming sponsored by the North Lawndale Athletic and Recreation Association. The North Lawndale Emplyment Network, Cara Chicago, UCAN and Play Like A Champion Today orgnizations will be featured.

Wed, 4/7/21 - Places of Solace, Refuge and Renewal

Lori Herrera, Pastor Phil Jackson, Mike Trout, and Angie Saucedo speak on Phoenix Hall, the Firehouse Community Arts Center, the Young Men's Education Network (YMEN)and The Learning Center. Calls to Action for the Lawndale 1000 Man March on May 1st.

Wed, 5/5/21 - A Community Approach to Youth Recreation

1)Lawndale 1000 Man March recap, and (2) Clark Power speaks on the “Pay to Play” environment in youth sports. (3) Reps from UCAN and Play Like A Champion Today speak on how they equip adults to minister to young people. (4) Mentions of: The North Lawndale Eagles, The Bloc, Boxing Out Negativity, The Investment, The Junior Go League, Girls in the Game and more.(5) Promote the Feast of Pentecost Mass with St. Agatha Church and NLARA Campaign in June 2021.

Wed, 9/1/21 - Second Chances through Restorative Justice

Stories about: Hope House, The Lawndale Christian Legal Center, The North Lawndale Restorative Justice Community Court, and the new OSP Lawyers Guild.

Wed, 10/6/21 - Educating A New Generation

Stories about: North Lawndale College Prep High School, The Learning Center and the new STEAM elementary school in North Lawndale.

Wed, 11/3/21 - Kinship and Catholic Social Teaching

Stories include: Hospitality at My Brother’s Kitchen, Health and community services at Mt. Sinai Hospital, 1000 new homes in North Lawndale, Revolution Workshop and Build Each Other Up.

Wed,12/1/21 - Partnering for Progress

Stories about: North Lawndale Marketing Committee, NLCCC Workforce Development Sub-committee, Mentoring at NLCPHS, Phoenix Hall Ambassadors, Anti Racism Task Force and monthly conversations at St. Agatha, Board Members for various organizations and Liaisons to Kinship partner organizations.