Why and How?

The Kinship Initiative approach is inspired by the following:

(A.) Asset Based Community Development (The ABCD approach) first developed by John L. McKnight and John P. Kretzmann at the Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. This approach identifies and leverages the community's strengths and potentials and it empowers the people of the community to utilize what they already possess with support and help from outside sources when desired.

(B.) Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching professed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and derived from the Good News of the Gospels of Jesus Christ.

Monthly Meal at Hope House

Monthly Meal at Hope House

(C.) The faith, genius and commitment of people from the North Lawndale neighborhood and Old St. Patrick's working together as neighbors and friends to make impacts related to . . .

More kinship and hospitality at Hope House.

More kinship and hospitality at Hope House.

  • Housing
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Legal assistance
  • Resource sharing
  • Interfaith worship
  • Sports and recreation
  • Professional consulting
  • Racial justice endeavors
  • Child and youth development
  • Advosory and governing boards
  • Fundraising and grant assistance
  • Prayer, retreats and reflection
  • Advocacy and community organizing
  • Mentoring, counseling and tutoring
  • Peace circles and restorative justice
  • Gardening, urban farming and asthetics
  • Social, civic, cultural and arts events
  • Light repairs, construction and demolition
  • Volunteer support for partner organizations
  • Charitable services for food and basic needs
  • Service and cultural exchange programs and more

. . . but THE MOST IMPORTANT thing we do is to establish and cherish life-changing relationships with our neighbors.


Devoted Hope House Meal Volunteer Coordinators.